Sunday, September 16, 2012


My knowledge of love is little because of my experience. Love is like a person it learns to mature, it grows, and it can cause lots of trouble. Love is not someone who you think is pretty. With true love looks mean nothing and a young persons perspective on love doesnt change until they relize what really makes them happy. The only problem is that most people often change to have someone like them. We are like magnets but magnets cannot love. Why do we love what people tell us we should love? Why do we even care about other people, simply because we are human. Humans try to figure out humans but they will fail everytime. The only person you can figure out is yourself. The only person we can change is ourself. If we want to find true love most of us will need to change our perspective on love.


  1. "Love is like a person it learns to mature, it grows, and it can cause lots of trouble." I completely agree with you on this.

  2. I love fishing!!! thats Mature!! :)

  3. Totally agree. Love is not real if you change yourself to make it happen. We are magnets.

  4. "we are like magnets, but magnets cannot love"
    I borrowed this. thanks.

  5. "The only person you can figure out is yourself." Agreed.
