Friday, September 7, 2012


Some people like to think of humans as some great creature that dominates everything in the food pyramid. Humans are at the top of the food chain when really its not us its technology. We surround ourselves with others to make calm our unstable minds. Most of us cant make decisions for our own good. We do what others like so we can fit in. Most of us like others based on looks and say you like them for there personality because that's the way life should be. Humans are fake because we care way too much. We care about what other humans think. My question is: Who Cares? Why do you care if someone is attractive? Why do you care if everyone tells you what to do? Because the only thing that really matters is you! Its what you like and what makes you happy. Looks are for fakes, where there personality falls most people would say that there looks make up for it. Many of you will just read this like nothing ever happened but maybe just one of you will ask yourself these questions and maybe change into a real Human. Stop being a fake its no fun. Be yourself, express yourself. It's time to shake the dust off and get to know what life is about. Ask the boy or girl that you don't really notice much on a date because when you really get to know the intentions of the human heart you will most likely be surprised.


  1. i like this a lot and how you say the only thing that matters is you. And really who does care what ohter people think... we shouldnt.

  2. I took this and burrowed into my head

  3. I really like your ideas and thoughts about being yourself.

  4. I wish people did ask on more dates. Not to dances just dates.
